The Yoga Sutras: for a 21st Century

What is life really all about? Why are we here? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? There are few who have risen to the challenge of answering such questions as these, better than the great sage Patanjali did over 2,200 years ago.

Patanjali was a great mystic of the 2nd century BCE, and his wisdom is no less relevant or enlightening today then it was in his own time. In his famous and legendary book the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali offers us his superb and brilliant insights in just 200 short and exquisite verses, explaining some of the most profound mysteries of life. Including answers to such questions as: "What is the nature of our mind?" "What is the soul?" "Is there a God?" "How do we acheive Enlightenment?" His words are considered among some of the greatest spiritual revelations ever revealed here on earth. Thomas Emerson presents here an insightful commentary on the sutras, bringing to life Patanjali's ancient wisdom wrapped in today's language, using modern terms and metaphors for a twenty-first century.

Read The First Chapter

Please feel free to read the first chapter of this book and see what you think? In Thomas' books I think you'll find that he very clearly describes various spiritual concepts in a very contemporary way, revealing the central principles; using today's language, terminology, and modern examples and metaphors. He avoids as much as possible using any non-English terms or words for the sake of clarity, and in an effort to make the ancient scriptures very accessible to the modern reader. Here you can read the beginning of each book without having to buy it, sign-in, or register. Nice to see you here. Please make yourself at home, all are welcome!




By Robin E on April 10, 2013

This is a great book for people interested in eastern religion, whether you are a beginner or you are advanced in your understanding of eastern thought. Thomas does a wonderful job of breaking down the Yoga Sutras and explaining the fundamental beliefs of yoga. It's a great book for people who are just beginning to explore yoga or eastern philosophy for the first time, but it's also a wonderful reference book for people who are advanced scholars of the Yoga Sutras. Each of the 200 verses of the sutras are in bold in the book with a brief explanation by Emerson about the meaning of each verse and their relevance in our 21st century world. Thomas does a great job explaining yoga, and this in not just a book about stretching, yoga actually has eight different branches, and Thomas takes you through all of them, making sure that each verse is understandable and relevant to our lives today. The format is very similar to a Bible verse book, because the verses are numbered and followed by a clear explanation of each verse. You should definitely check out this extremely informative book on Yoga.



By Lisa Patel on January 18, 2013

This book is about the famous eastern scriptures, or sutras, written about yoga by the spiritual Master Patañjali in 200 B.C.. It sounds very simple, but it definitely is not simple. These verses are really hard to comprehend, so Thomas breaks them down and explains what each verse really means. Patañjali was considered brilliant and enlightened, and what Thomas has done is taken these very profound verses and he explains them in modern day terms and language. In the United States we tend to see yoga only as different stretching exercises, and yoga is definitely much more than that. Yoga is actually about achieving a union with God, and the verses explain what different methods are used in the east to accomplish this. Thomas explains that yoga is really about achieving this union with God, and a inner union with your soul. It's very spiritual, and reading this book actually gave me much more insight into what yoga really is. I recommend this book to get a better insight into the topic of yoga.

Innersights Logo Thomas Paul Emerson

Thomas Paul Emerson

Spiritual Author